‘Education is the
most powerful weapon to change the world.’ (Nelson Mandela). This weapon definitely needs support
from a specialist. As we discussed earlier, complete education often needs support
both from a tutor and an educational therapist. For our special children with
learning issues, a proficient educational therapist is a much needed blessing. Choosing
a good and responsible educational therapist is therefore a challenging job for
the parents.
This post is to give a brief idea about the basics that one
should look for an educational therapist.
- Create a supportive environment so that a child can take risks and learn from mistakes.
- Provide a safe environment to express feelings and anxieties related to learning processes and school concerns.
- Listen carefully for the reasons behind behaviors that
interfere with learning.
- Encourage open communication regarding problems at school or work
- Provide
inputs to the ongoing diagnostic process from continuous observation over time and in natural contexts.
- Apply strategies that foster concentration and sustained
- Address avoidance and resistance; and deal convincingly
with self-esteem issues.
- Understand the interrelationship between learning and social/emotional
functioning, and helping to bring about positive change.
- Compliment, acknowledge, appreciate a child’s efforts - positive feedback works
- Educate and involve parents as much as possible.
At Society For Welfare Of Children, we have expert
educational therapists to provide your children utmost concentration and
dedication. For more details you may please contact us.