
About us

Welcome to our blog! This blog is created and maintained by Society for Welfare of Children, a Kolkata based NGO working in the areas of elimination and prevention of disability since 2001. We are a Govt. of India recognized philanthropic organization, registered under West Bengal Societies Registration Act.

Besides organizing medical aids and appliances distribution camps, seminars and conferences on the issue of disability, we also conduct vocational training camps from time to time. We are also providing expert therapies and service treatments for Autism, Global developmental delay, ADHD, ASD, Down syndromes, Cortical visual impairment, Low vision, Squint, Ambylopia and Learning disability, among many others at Omkar Child Development Center, a wing of Society for Welfare of Children. The therapies are done by skilled and highly qualified therapists and special educators. We currently serve more than 300 beneficiaries at our Day Care center.

For more information please visit 

You can also drop us an email at or call on  033 23212346033 40644516

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