1. What is ADHD?
>> ADHD is attention deficit hyperactive disorder.
2. What are symptoms of ADHD?
>> Restless, inattentive in the class, making careless mistakes, often forgets pens/pencils/belongings, trouble finishing homework, doesn’t follow instructions, difficulty in copying from the board, impatient, blurts out answers, leaves the seat and climbs excessively, talks too much interrupts others and always “on the go”.
3. What age it affects?
>> Its the developmental condition mostly seen in school-going children but can be seen in pre-schoolers (3 to 5 years), Adolescents and sometimes seen in Adults.
4. Why it occurs?
>> Genetic, Birth Complications – Low Birth Weight and Preterm Babies, Environmental factors,
5. Whether ADHD improves with time?
>> In most children hyperactivity comes down with age, inattention and disorganization persist in some.
6. What is the treatment?
>> Generally ADHD responds well to medication. In preschool children, behavioural therapy can be tried before medications.
7. What are medications used for ADHD?
>> There are well-tested medications like methyl Phenindate, Atomoxetine and Clonidine.
8. What are the behavioural therapy techniques helpful?
>> Praise the child for good behaviour – Immediate, Consistent, Contingent and clear. Consistent consequences for negative behaviour – Time Out, response cost, avoid punishment, Include more physical activities/ Sports, Regular touch with the school for behaviour reports, Give frequent breaks/ Make tasks are more interesting.
-------- Dr. Praveen Kumar
Consultant & Adolescent