
Wednesday, 6 November 2019



1. What is ADHD?

>> ADHD is attention deficit hyperactive disorder.

2. What are symptoms of ADHD?

>> Restless, inattentive in the class, making careless mistakes, often forgets pens/pencils/belongings, trouble finishing homework, doesn’t follow instructions, difficulty in copying from the board, impatient, blurts out answers, leaves the seat and climbs excessively, talks too much interrupts others and always “on the go”.

3. What age it affects?

>> Its the developmental condition mostly seen in school-going children but can be seen in pre-schoolers (3 to 5 years), Adolescents and sometimes seen in Adults.

4. Why it occurs?

>> Genetic, Birth Complications – Low Birth Weight and Preterm Babies, Environmental factors,

5. Whether ADHD improves with time?

>> In most children hyperactivity comes down with age, inattention and disorganization persist in some.

6.  What is the treatment?

>> Generally ADHD responds well to medication. In preschool children, behavioural therapy can be tried before medications.

7. What are medications used for ADHD?

>> There are well-tested medications like methyl Phenindate, Atomoxetine and Clonidine.

8. What are the behavioural therapy techniques helpful?

>> Praise the child for good behaviour – Immediate, Consistent, Contingent and clear. Consistent consequences for negative behaviour – Time Out, response cost, avoid punishment, Include more physical activities/ Sports, Regular touch with the school for behaviour reports, Give frequent breaks/ Make tasks are more interesting.

-------- Dr. Praveen Kumar
Consultant & Adolescent Psychiatrist

Saturday, 2 November 2019



8. Whether medicines have a lot of side effects?

>> There are 2 medicines which are recommended for this and are tested safe by research Risperidone and Aripiprazole.

9. How early we should start treatment?

>>  As early as possible, the brain has maximum plasticity up from 0 to 4 years, therefore very important to start therapy.

10. How long we have to do therapy?

>> We have to continue intensive therapy at least for 6 months to 1 year to see significant changes.

11. Whether they become aggressive during the adolescent stage?

>>  Yes, some children become aggressive when they reach Adolescence which may be due to various reasons like hormonal changes, new-onset psychiatric problems like depression, psychosis, OCD etc.

12. Whether we need to restrict certain food like milk, chocolate, sugar and gluten diet?

>> The the latest research shows there is little evidence for such association and in-fact all foods are necessary for brain development.

13. Whether stem cell therapy is effective?

>> The research is not conclusive on this intervention so there are no recommendations from any of the academic excellent centres all over the world.

14. Whether biomedical treatment is effective?

>> There is no conclusive evidence about this treatment and therefore there is no recommendation by premier academic institutions.

15. Whether hyperactivity is because of ADHD or AUTISM?

>> Hyperactivity can itself be seen in Autism or sometimes Autism and ADHD can coexist. 

-------- Dr Praveen Kumar

Consultant & Adolescent Psychiatrist

Wednesday, 30 October 2019



Some basic questions that occur our mind after listening to the word "Autism" and also who have Autistic children, Our Doctors are giving answers to your question. Like :

1. What is Autism?

>> Autism is a brain-based disorder where a child has a delay in speech, socialization and has some repetitive behaviours.

2. What are the symptoms of autism?

>> Child doesn’t make eye contact, the child remains in own world, doesn’t respond to name call, doesn’t point, doesn’t mix with other kids and restlessness, at times sensory behaviours and aggressive behaviours and self-injurious behaviours are seen.

3. Why Autism Occurs?

>> There is no exact cause. Genetic, Birth Complications, Environmental factors.

4. Whether Autism improves or it remains the same?

>> 90% of Children with autism improve over time but two factors decide how significantly they improve
IQ and language ability before 5 years.

5. What is the treatment of Autism?

>> Treatment is therapy. What therapy is scientific and is helpful worldwide is Speech & Language therapy, Occupational Therapy, Behavioural therapy.

6. Whether medications required?

>> Yes in some cases like where there are significant hyperactivity, impulsivity and aggressive behaviours

7. Whether medications have to be continued for a long time?

>> No they may require medicine for 1year to 2 years and then medication can be stopped.

To be continued...
For more information stay tuned with our blog.

-------- Dr. Praveen Kumar

Consultant & Adolescent Psychiatrist


Friday, 12 July 2019

Challenge Not Accepted

In the rainy season, momos are delicious. But in this season momos have been something different. It’s all about CHALLENGE. The people of Bengal is being challenged by Momo. Adults, teenagers and even children are receiving challenges from unknown numbers asking them to play a deadly game. But who is Momo? Well, nobody knows it for certain. Why do they message? What is the target population? If we go down the timeline, we will find a similar type of challenge in 2017 as well, the “BLUE WHALE CHALLENGE”.
Why has the world become so “Virtually” challenging? Who is being targeted for these challenges? Why are they challenged? The answers are quite complex.
Human nowadays don’t socialize “really” but do it “virtually”. We connect through Facebook but rarely speak to others. Virtual media asks us “what is in our mind?” But we rarely ask a friend how they have been. People share their feelings on virtual media. They cry for help. But alas the help is also virtual. Sometimes, this information about people and their feelings becomes the database of these challenges.
People who are already distressed and vulnerable are usually challenged. Adolescents are frequently targeted too. The challenges promote “sell harm”. People promoting these challenges motivate their targets to harm themselves. The victims are unable to bring themselves out of this vicious circle. What keeps them in this game? It’s the reward that they get. Reward dependence is characterized as a tendency to respond markedly to signals of social support, and sentiment. High reward dependence is much related to high addictive properties. So, the “awards” or social approvals one gets from the virtual world causes addiction to social media. And from social media, addiction is carried on to such games, where individuals are unable to quit the game and cohere to it and follow the instructions.
How to “Challenge” the challenges. Well, it’s always fine not to accept a challenge. But even if one does accept challenges coming out become even more difficult. Not just because of the addictive properties. But sometimes people are blackmailed for dire consequences. People give in easily.
What is the solution to such problems? There isn’t a single golden rule for it. But let’s try some tricks for it. Let’s socialize but not just “Virtually”. Let’s smile but not through smileys only. Let’s eat momo but not challenge it.

-----By Bidisha Bhattacharya (Clinical Psychologist)